Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ronnie Boo Hoo

Well, it's that time of year. Time for the living Baseball Hall of Famers to not let anyone into their exclusive club. While I do think it is a shame that some players that are well deserving of being in are not in yet, I am sick of perennially hearing about one thing: Ron Santo.

I can hear it already: "Well of course you don't think Ron Santo should be in. You're a Sox fan" Although I am a fan of the Southsiders, that has nothing to do with my reasonings for not letting Santo in the hall. I was happy as hell to see Ryne Sandburg let in when Joe Morgan openly lobbied to not let him in. I thought former Cub Bruce Sutter was well deserving of being let in last year. I think it is a shame that another former Cub closer Lee Smith is not in considering up until last year he was the all time saves leader. But Ronnie Boo Hoo does not get the nod from me. Here's why:

First, his constant lobbying and crying about not being in the hall. Nobody wants to hear it. He batted .277 lifetime, was 170+ homes shy of the magic number of 500, and was 700+ hits shy of 3000. His own manager Leo Durocher dubbed him as the most uncluch hitter ever, saying that he only got the hit when it didn't matter.

Second, there are already three other Cubs in the Hall from a squad that never made a postseason appearance. The other three have the stats to back up their induction, but Ronnie doesn't.

Third, the lovable Ron Santo that Cubbie Nation has embraced in recent years was not so lovable back in the day. Showboating by clicking his heels rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I don't even think God liked it--thats why he took said heels away from poor Ron (OK I admit that was an uncalled for blow and I am an asshole for making it but it was there so I took it). I really do feel for him for all the health problems he has had in his life, but sympathy should not be a reason to get into the Hall, and he has tried to exploit that card too.

The real travesty lies in 3 other eligible players not getting in: Pitchers Jim Kaat and Bert Blylevin, and another guy that rubbed people the wrong way during his career and may be getting bitten by his old ways, Jim Rice. I challenge anyone to tell me why Santo should get in before these three.

So in two years when the committee gathers and does not give Santo the nod once again, don't act surprised and cry foul. Just look at everything he has working against him and realize that while he may have been a good player he was not Hall of Fame material.

"But I hit .277! .227!!!"

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