Saturday, December 16, 2006

You Can Find Me in The Club....

OK, I was going to let the Tank Johnson story go for a few reasons. First off, I don’t want this Blog to be full of hometown news. (Yes, three of the four writers are right here in the Windy City, with the fourth being born and raised here but now resides in Sunny Florida.) To continually cover stories surrounding local sports teams is not only boring to those who read from around the country but boring for us to write. By the time we get a piece written, the news is already beaten like Whitney after smoking all of Bobby’s Crack. I’m sure no one would have cared to hear my two cents about the Tank Johnson SWAT team raid on his Gurnee home.


When I read this afternoon about his BODY GUARD getting’ a cap busted in his ass outside a River North club last night, I knew it was time to chime in. After a fight inside Ice Bar, Willie B. Posey was shot dead around 1:30 Saturday morning. It has been reported Tank Johnson was in the club at the time of the shooting but his involvement, if any, is unknown.

First off, let me pay respects. Rest in peace Willie B. Posey, your 26 short years came to a close to quickly.

With that out of the way, I have to pose the question…what the fuck is Tank’s problem? And before I get into a tirade, let me qualify a few things about my self. I am totally PRO gun. I firmly believe in the constitutional right to bear arms and have no problems whatsoever with owning an arsenal. And I’m not too concerned about the current Marijuana laws. It’s a harmless drug that doesn’t add to crime rates or turn people into zombies like the heavy narcotics Cocaine and Heroin. Shit, if anything it HELPS the economy of the country. Do you really think Doritos, Ben & Jerry’s, Grape Cool-Aid, and Papa John’s Pizza would be do nearly as much business if it weren’t for weed? Not a chance in hell.

That said, if you’re going to have any of the above in your home (in Tank’s case, it was an AR-15 Sniper Rifle, a .223 Assault Rifle, a .308 hunting rifle, a .44 Magnum, a .45 Revolver, and a .50 cal Desert Eagle, and Mr. Posey’s Bag of Smoke.) you can’t be an asshole neighbor. Don’t draw attention to yourself with a whole fuck load of Pitbulls that do nothing but piss off your neighbors. Don’t have parties late into the night. IF YOU CAN’T REFRAIN, BUY A FUCKING HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, NOT IN A HIGH PROFILE SUBDIVISION IN A YUPPIE NEIGHBORHOOD.

It was just these activities that lead the SWAT team to the front door of Mr. Johnson’s home on earlier this week to execute a search warrant that ended in Willie B. Posey’s arrest (possession of Cannabis) and Tank’s arrest for having the cash of weapons without possessing a Fire Arm Owners Identification Card. It was Tank’s third arrest in 18 months.

Now, less than two days later his friend is gunned down in a club after a fight and a verbal exchange. When will it end? What is it going to take for Mr. Johnson to get his head out of his ass where it has apparently been planted for the better part of the last two years?

Lovie Smith, Bears head coach announced that Tank will be sitting out of Sunday’s contest vs. the Tampa Bay Bucks, a decision which was made after Johnson’s arrest but BEFORE the shooting of Posey.

Maybe losing his job as starting tackle on what many consider the best Defensive unit in the game will get Tank Johnson to wake the fuck up. If not I’m sure he can hook up with G-Unit, he’d fit right in.

Keep an eye on the Bears. They may be making a run at the Bengal’s player arrest record which currently stands at eight at press time. Oh, and stay the hell out of Ice Bar.

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